Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Heart of Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and as part of this month's Hair Carnival we are doing our part to raise awareness. For the Hair Carnival, I decided to combine the awareness ribbon with a heart design. Cancer awareness is a cause that is very dear to our hearts. We lost my mother in 2008 to a form of cancer. When I found out about this month's carnival, it was definitely something that I wanted to be a part of.   

Here are a few facts form the Susan G. Komen for the Cure website:

"The causes of breast cancer are not fully understood. Although it is clear that age, gender and lifetime exposure to estrogen and other factors play an important role. Because no one knows exactly what causes breast cancer, there are no sure ways to prevent it. However, there are steps that you can take that may reduce your risk. These include maintaining a healthy weight, adding exercise into your routine, limiting alcohol intake and postmenopausal hormones, and breastfeeding if you can. For women at higher risk, tamoxifen or raloxifene may be taken to reduce the risk of breast cancer."

"All women are at risk for breast cancer. Known risk factors like having a family history of breast cancer, starting menopause after age 55 or never having children account for only a small number of new breast cancer cases every year. That means that most women who get breast cancer have no known risk factors except being a woman and getting older."

Please do your part to raise awareness. This includes monthly breast exams as well as living a healthy life. The facts show that we are all at risk. 

We hope that you have enjoyed this month's Hair Carnival. Please be sure to check out all of the other great participants by clicking the links located at the end of this post. 

This post is dedicated my mom, Anisa's Nana, and all of those whose lives have been affected by cancer. 

"To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die." ~ Thomas Campbell 



  1. Well, this is a beautiful style and an even more beautiful post, and such a sweet tribute to your mom :)

  2. Very pretty hairstyle! I'm so sorry about your mother :( I'm sure she's in heaven though :)

  3. Thank you GDL! I really do appreciate it.

  4. Beautiful style! Her hair is so thick wow, look at those chunky twists! :)

  5. Love the style. Im sorry for your loss. Members in my family have been affected by it, too. I hate cancer. its a nasty thing! The best we can do is make everyone aware and hope we can find a cure.

  6. Beautiful post. So sorry for your loss but this is a wonderful tribute to your mom. I love your creativity. This style is great. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Aisha -- I'm sorry for the devastation this terrible disease has caused your family. I've lost many members of mine as well, so this Hair Carnival was truly important to me... the style you did is BEAUTIFUL!!! Great job, mami!!



  8. Thank you Michelle and Char. We hope this post inspires others to become more aware.

  9. Beautiful tribute to you mother! Her hair looks great and it's sooooo thick! I love the heart in the back

  10. Beautiful style. Beautiful tribute to your mom. Blessings! <3

  11. THis is sooo beautiful!!! And it is really nice that you have made this a tribute to your mom!

  12. I loved the Cornrows & ponytails. Her twist are so fluffy & neat. Absolutly beautiful.

  13. Aisha thank you for this beautiful post and beautiful style.

  14. The style is amazing!!!! Sorry for your loss you made my sensitive self tear up

  15. what a tearful touching post. Thankyou for sharing. and this style is beautiful as always!

  16. I am so sorry about your loss. Thank you for participating, this is an amazing style, I love the heart and the ribbon...wonderful job.


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